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Update 4th July: Chiddingfold Parish Council provides £30,000 towards the planning costs.  


Progress & Funding

Stage #1 Feasibility (complete)

The Feasibility study was successfully completed in early 2024 and paid for by the Club and Parish Council. The report, pre-app response letter, Version 1 designs and Information Memorandum can all be found in the Documents section.

Stage #2 Planning Application (current stage)

The club is raising £58,110 to prepare and submit a high-quality planning application. Chiddingfold Parish Council is generously providing £30,000 so your Club needs your help raising the remaining funds! 









Your donation will be used to fund the following:

  • Transport advice and assessment

  • Ecological surveys

  • Arboricultural assessments

  • Drainage strategy

  • Renewable energy plans

  • Planning application preparation and submission

  • Planning application fee

  • Tax and lease advice


The Club has sought to de-risk this stage by obtaining a positive pre-application planning response from Waverley. However, there are no guarantees the application will be successful or the capital funding secured in the next stage.

Stage #3 Funding

With a deliverable, shovel-ready project, the Club believes it stands the best chance of raising the significant capital grants needed to deliver it. The Club is in early discussions with the handful of large funding bodies that provide grants for this size of sports project.  The Club believes it will have put together an attractive project by this stage.

Stage #4 Build and Equip

The estimated build cost established in the feasibility study is £2.5m.

While the Club’s Committee has delivered capital projects over the last decade or so, it is recognised that the delivery of the new facility is an order of magnitude higher. As such, the Club will delegate delivery to experienced professionals.


To prepare the Feasibility study, the Club used Sports Clubhouses, Agripower and Planit Consulting, all experienced experts with track records of delivery. The use of experts will continue throughout the project and help reduce delivery risk.


To meet its financial sustainability objectives, the Club will fund this using grants.  


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